Q.Does this website sell any products?
No, this is an information only website in order to conform with regulatory requirements.
Q.Where can I purchase the products featured on this website?
You can purchase most products featured from IAS Approved web stores. A link is supplied in most cases for your convenience where possible. Pictures of products are displayed as examples only.
Q.There is a huge amount of information and articles on this website, where has it all come from?
IAS originated as a research company and collates its information from medical databases, published clinical trails and scientific journals, as well as from practicing Physicians. Relevant references are included in the articles.
Q.How long has IAS been in business?
IAS has been operating since 1991 and online since 1996. See our long list of professional and public TESTIMONIALS for proof of our quality, service and reputation.
Q.How do I stay up to date with developments?
IAS recommends subscribing to a quarterly magazine called AgingMatters™ which can be found under the SUBSCRIBE link above.
Q.How can I contact you?
See the CONTACT details for all information. Please remember the time differences; we are 8 hours in front of California and 8 hours behind Tokyo! Outside of operational hours please leave a message with all your details, name, address, contact details and inquiry.