A new method of enhanced hearing – without the need for hearing aids

Written by MICANS, MS, PharmB, Philip A

Hearing-aid companies spend millions on advertising products that often only amplify sound with mediocre results. My dear friend, Russell Laudon, MD, who is both a practicing physician and a professional musician, reports that inexpensive ear phones that can be purchased at retail stores such as Radio Shack transmit better sound quality than all hearing aids, even those costing thousands of dollars!

I believe it, but now it’s time to try a twenty-first century approach to enhanced hearing.

I have discovered that hearing loss can be remedied by simply consuming a small capsule daily. This capsule may contain one or more hormones that are lost through aging and the accompanying shrinking of our endocrine (hormone-producing) glands. Unknown to many, medical research has revealed only just during the last decade that shrinking endocrine glands cause many symptoms of what we commonly refer to as aging.

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dr. Richard Lippman. You may know my name because, back in the 1980’s, I discovered and developed the nicotine patch that saved millions of lives. My medical research also led me to discover that consuming certain special antioxidants (ACF228™) three times daily will significantly slow the human aging process. In Sweden, prominent scientists nominated me for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for this work. The U.S. Patent Office in Washington, DC, granted me a U.S. patent on retarding human aging – the only anti-aging patent ever approved by them.

Furthermore, in 2004 the NIA (National Institute on Aging) tested my anti-aging remedy through three independent laboratories. All three confirmed my patented findings, namely slowed signs of aging by 12 percent in mice. I discovered even greater anti-aging benefits for humans.

These medical advances led me to the conclusion that loss of hormones through shrinking endocrine glands can cause hearing loss. One key declining hormone is Aldosterone. Another key synthetic version of aldosterone is “Fludrocortisone” or “Florinef®.” I use these two key hormones alternatively in my protocol for enhanced hearing.

Brief Aldosterone History

During the last ten years, medical researchers reported that patients with hearing loss were temporarily helped by consuming aldosterone capsules two to three times daily. Taking capsules throughout the day was necessary because aldosterone has a short half-life and it metabolizes and excretes rapidly from the body.

Rochester, New York scientists correlated hearing loss with decreased blood levels of aldosterone. They discovered that the more aldosterone present within the bloodstream, the better the hearing. The NIA verified this important research (1). Interestingly, people with hearing loss have, on average, half as much aldosterone in their blood as those with normal hearing. Aldosterone appears to impact inner-ear hair cells. Aldosterone and Florinef® trigger pure-tone hearing thresholds through activation of hair cells in both ears. The result is increased sound discrimination between an up-front human voice and interfering background noises. In my lectures in Sweden, I have often stated: “Apparently, the synthetic aldosterone drug, Florinef, acts only on some inner-ear hair cell receptor sites while bio-identical (natural) aldosterone acts on the remaining receptor sites. This duel receptor-site action triggers an 85 millivolts threshold of electrical conductivity through the nerves of the inner ear. This trigger depends upon a balanced potassium/sodium ratio. Thus, the combined action of these two hormones consumed during alternative days produces optimal hearing enhancement.*” (2)

*Unknown to many is the fact that more optimal adrenal function may also be achieved by alternating daily between the natural adrenal hormone, hydrocortisone, and its synthetic equivalent, i.e. prednisone. (1)

In 2008, other researchers at the University of Portland in Oregon discovered that there was a reversal in hearing loss with aldosterone by increasing sodium transport in mice. Indeed, the physiology of inner and middle ear (disease as a result of infection) may be improved with aldosterone. (3)

Eminent Harvard graduate and anti-aging specialist, Dr. Jonathan Wright, of the Tahoma Clinic in Renton, Washington found that one patient with Meniere’s disease improved his hearing by 30 decibels at 250 Hz when 125 micrograms of bio-identical aldosterone was consumed twice daily for seven months. I confirmed these results by improving patients’ hearing by more than 30 decibels at 3,000 Hz with my special protocol. This latter result is especially important since 3,000 Hz falls squarely inside the human vocal range.

At this approximate 3,000 Hz vocal range, patients’ hearing could be improved by as much as 40 decibels, but only after several months of applying my Lippman Protocol. Interestingly, not everyone may aspire to a 40 decibel enhancement since typical street noises become too loud, and one may even be obliged to wear ear plugs at movie theaters. Greatly enhanced hearing also necessitates remembering to raise one’s voice during a conversation in order to be clearly heard by those with normal hearing.

Dr. Wright and I confirmed that hearing improved dramatically when taking aldosterone; while on the other hand, forgetting to take it resulted in a dramatic return to hearing deficiency.

We tested urine levels of aldosterone, and confirmed that very low scores of below 5 were found in hearing deficient patients compared to scores of 20 to 30 in people with normal hearing. In fact, Dr. Wright’s 84-year-old patient increased sound discrimination from 23 to 91 percent in his right ear and from 3 to 81 percent in his left ear.

Brief Scientific Explanation of Hormones & Nutrients that Impact Hearing

Low aldosterone is often seen as a biomarker for aging. Aging causes imbalances in the circadian rhythm (sleep cycle) which often results in the adrenal glands producing more and more cortisol, the stress hormone, and less and less of other critical hormones such as aldosterone and DHEA. This excess of cortisol causes insomnia and unnecessary deterioration of the body’s tissues (catalytic) while simultaneously decreasing aldosterone, causing hearing loss and frequent urination, and lowering DHEA (an androgenic hormone that builds new tissues). Low aldosterone may also lead to symptoms such as: dizziness, low blood pressure, thirst, dehydration, and salt cravings. Many of these symptoms result in imbalances in the potassium /sodium ratio that leads to fatigue and cellular energy loss. Signs of significant dehydration can be seen in people with fine lines, pinched faces, sinuous necks, and a profound daily need for cosmetic lotions that superficially moisten their skin. Thus, a billion dollar cosmetic industry continues to pander their moisturizing products while the underlying medical problems, namely low hormone levels, remain untreated.

In addition to low aldosterone and an imbalanced potassium/sodium ratio, other vital nutrients may be lacking. Vitamins B12 (methyl-cobalamin preferred) and folate (methyl folate and NOT folic acid) have become critical to enhanced hearing. Interestingly, hearing loss may sometimes be reversed if 5,000 units daily of Vitamin D3 (not the inexpensive, generic versions sold at drug-stores) are supplemented. Thus, the 2,000 unit doses of D3 sold at major drug-stores are inadequate. Other prescription drugs such as Aldactone® impair hearing. (4)

Current 2011 Hearing Enhancement Research

Recently, much to the astonishment of my colleagues, I discovered that one need take only one capsule daily during the morning on an empty stomach. For those with impaired stomach absorption, 4 ounces of grapefruit juice is recommended. My enhancement method improves hearing by more than 30 decibels when continued for several months. This decibel quantity is huge. Specifically, 30 decibels-plus means the difference between deafness and fairly normal or slightly impaired hearing. For example, after following the Lippman Protocol for about a month, the hearing-impaired are able to carry on a conversation at a loud party with high volume background music. Sufficient hearing and sound discrimination at loud parties becomes possible despite consuming only a single capsule 15 hours earlier in the day.

The Lippman One-Capsule-Daily Protocol

On the morning of Day One, take 20 micrograms of Florinef® with filtered water. During the next two days, take one capsule of 125 micrograms aldosterone daily before breakfast. On the fourth day, repeat the cycle again, starting with Florinef®. This regimen will ensure constant high-decibel enhancement with the exception of reduced hearing during sleeping hours.

For greater absorption into the bloodstream, grapefruit juice is highly recommended to be taken with the aldosterone capsules, but is not recommended for Florinef® or any other prescription drug. Also, notice that only tiny, judicious microgram doses of aldosterone and Florinef® are employed. According to Europe’s foremost endocrinologist, Thierry Hertoghe, MD, use only the smallest, judicious dose possible for efficacy. More is not better in regard to all hormones and nutraceuticals. This advice avoids serious side effects often seen when hormones and nutraceuticals are mega-dosed. Do not mega-dose!

Old Habits are Hard to Break

Recently, two physician friends were skeptical and feared changing their old habit of recommending only hearing aids to their patients. They asked me why I bothered with a bunch of capsules.

“Why not just buy a hearing aid?” they asked.

I answered them with a question: “What makes better medical sense: taking one capsule daily and correcting a hormone deficiency, or amplifying the volume on an already damaged hearing system?” My question flummoxed and silenced them.

We should be enjoying our golden years without high-volume hearing aids distorting already damaged hearing systems. You decide. One capsule daily works!


A. Hearing Research, Nov., 2005.

B. Lippman, R.D. private communication.

C. Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery, Nov., 2008.

D. Laryngoscope, Feb., 2002.